Thursday, 17 November 2011

A03 - Produce Advertising + Promotional Materials For A New Media Product

This is my final edit of ke$ha's promotion poster which would be advertised on things such as sides of buses, billboards and in magazines. The poster follows all ASA's standards which do not mislead the target audience and literally tell you the name of the abum and release date.

This is a screen shot of the radio advert produced for Ke$ha's album promotion. The editing was done using garage band for the most professional approach possible.

Here is the final edit of the radio interview. The point of the interview was to let the public be aware of the single and album, when its out and to promote it. the interview also see's into Ke$ha and can help the public make their mind up weather they enjoy the song or not.

The editing process of the article produced in Adobe Photoshop CS4.

This is the final mock up of what the real article would look like. Photoshop was a great way of helping me create what i wanted the article to look like. The idea is very similar to other magazines such as NME but i have followed copyright guidelines and added a twist so it isnt copyright.

1 comment:

  1. the radio still needs uploading. See Adam on Wednesday...
